Magentos Flex File Uploader

Magento has a multiple file uploader in the admin backend written in flash and action script. It communicates with the website via JavaScript.

File Uploader

Does anybody had a look on these uploader? I had it yesterday, because I ported it to the frontend customer area. I implemented a check, wether the customer is logged in or not, before handling the file upload, but it fails all the time.

HTTP Header

A look into the HTTP traffic showed me a lot. The upload is made via HTTP post from the flash object. It sends (in the backend) a form-key, the file and the name with the request.


The interessting thing is, there is no cookie send with it. This means, the admin-user is not identified. And the form key (normally saved in the session) can not be checked?

Suprise, Suprise

I was blind,good, that this blog article was not published yet :-) In the URL there is a Parameter called SID. And suprise, suprise it submits the Session ID.


To report in full... The Uploader uploads the image, it is processed and saved in a tmp directory. The response is a json object with the temporary images path, size, and a few informations about the session cookie it it. With this informations a new table row (and form elements) is via JavaScript created. After a submit, the pictures are moved and related to the product.